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YOU'RE on Leading Relationship Blog with Original Contents for Singles and Married.

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Happy New Year to You my Dear Blog Readers!

I’m so glad we made it into the New Year, all thanks to God! 2013 was a beautiful year; the blessings of God’s protection and provision cannot be measured, being alive to see each year come and go, shows that God is watching over us and our desire for more in 2014 tells that God is all sufficient. Once again, all thanks to God, Welcome to Year 2014!

Dear readers, I wouldn't want to start writing for this year without acknowledging and appreciating the loyal audience you have given to my blog in that past year. It’s amazing how we've grown in readership strength and media focus. It’s amazing when I searched through Google, the rate at which you've spread my writings all over the internet via various websites and mostly blogs, sometimes without any back-link (though unprofessional) but I still love you. . .It’s amazing how you've honored my passion to build healthy relationships around the world. It’s more amazing and almost impossible to admit that a less-than-a-year blog could enjoy these successes. To how you've been part of this laudable achievements in the past year, I wholeheartedly say THANK YOU!

Here we are in year 2014, ready to go, ready to build more successful relationships. I observed that last year, apart from my regular counseling and e-mails I replied, I had a little interaction with YOU, hence, I want to repent, not as a sinner but as a professional blogger that hasn't done what ought to be done with his teeming readers. In regards, I say I’M SORRY!

In my desire to get closer to YOU, I've decided to introduce a different way of making a better impact than year 2013. Now at the mid-right, on my blog, you will see a FORM BOX, in there you can BOOK ME for an event, forward your TESTIMONY to me and you can as well send your FEEDBACK. Please be aware that you can now SUGGEST a topic via the same form box and among several others sent to me, I will pick THE MOST REQUESTED TOPIC of the month and write on it accordingly. Sounds interesting? Yes! Also, if you’re a writer without a blog and you want me to feature your article, please be free to contact me and I will do that at my discretion.

In this year and continuously, i will communicate with you on personal matters and not just the regular postings. I’ll seek more advice from you, I will ask you to give your opinion on some relationship issues, I will give out some bonuses and as well recommend some great product and offers, in-fact, I will employ you! LOL

These among others that would be communicated to you, is the way I've chosen to repent and be closer to YOU in 2014. Just before you stop reading, I promise not to spam your e-mail box and I’m sure you know that I’m NOT a blogger that spam. . . Oh you know that already! Also, you must have observed that I’m NOT a copy and paste blogger. . .you do? Good! All relationship contents on my blog was written by my humble-self, hence, it makes the No 1 Relationship Blog with Original Contents. Be free to do business with me this year, lets learn more, lets make unintentional mistakes and get experiences, lets grow to be a better partner in our relationships, let us have fun and enjoy our partner, year 2014 is surely going to give birth to more happy homes. Don’t stop reading from me and I won’t stop helping you build a successful and healthy relationship. Please share my articles with your friends on every social media, if on blogs and websites, do give due credit and your comments on my blog is always appreciated. Once again, Welcome to the Year 2014, Happy New Year my Loyal Readers!

To Your Successful and Healthy Relationship,

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